
Showing posts from October, 2020
T he Hindenburg is crashing Its headed for a Florida dump Instead of a famous airship This time its name is Trump   The gasbag is exploding The horror of Flaming golden hair On twitter and to his adoring crowds He's spewing CoVi everywhere   To be on the crew of Air Force One Confined with the Spreader in Chief Hopefully when the election is over If they're not infected they can breathe a sigh of relief   Their service was a sentence of death When he's in a home for the criminally insane They can breathe one pure clean breath Fox news will do the post mortem on the political remains   Fox will sing elegies  for their genius Put him on the deck of a Viking ship Set it aflame and push it out to sea   The lemmings are all  following Der Doofus to the sea They drank the purple koolaid To end four years of misery    They're abandoning him like the Titanic They said he was their sacred cow But the lifeboats are filled with russians What will th
Closet Buzzards                 A recent NY TImes article noted that conservatives were circling AOC like buzzards spotting a fresh carcass by the side of the road swarming with maggots on a warm summer day.  They couldn't wait to sink their gory red beaks into her flesh and shove hoards of flies aside as they feasted on Fresh Red Meat.  Of course these are the same flying recyclers of critters who didn't make it to the other side of the road when their minds were transfixed by the menacing star of Ted Cruz or Mitch McConnell.  Wham and they were gone.                 In some respects you have to admire buzzards but you know they are liberals for they are nature's recyclers and public health workers.  They go about the business, like good liberals, of separating the carcasses into bit sized pieces and hastening decomposition and returning the souls of the beasts to the soil.   This prevents harmful diseases and exposed the bones to the sanitizing effects of sunlight.   
  Hugo  Chavez Idi Amin  Robert Mugabe Donald Trump                   The Egyptians were plagued by locusts.   Imagine everything green being eaten.   They could take a field of green wheat in the spring and in a couple of hours reduce it to bare stalks.   A withered and devastated land.  The big yellow locust has descended on America and he taints all that falls within his gaze.  We are plagued by the golden haired locust.                 America views itself as a blessed land.  Great swathes of fertility, hard working people, great education institutions and a temperate climate.  Sometimes locusts descend on lands rich in oil, fertile highlands, oceans rich in fish at the shore.   These locusts strip the land like the Egyptian plague.  They impoverish the people.  Fights erupt over the last loaf of bread.                 Within that land 10 percent of the people live like kings in gated communities protected by army patrols and security guards.  The rest of the people get th
  Eyes of Texas I have seen the discussion over the Eyes.  It got me to thinking which is always dangerous.  So I decided that revision and context was better than wiping the slate clean.  Dear Daily Texans   Letter to the Editor   The Eyes of Texas commands us to reflect on the past and Bevo commands us to look to the future of what Texas can be.   The Eyes should not be a source of division despite its troubled history.     We can create new verses and envision  a new future   The song provides a framework to look forward   I graduated from the University of Texas 51 years ago and sang The Eyes many times.  I now understand the need for its revision and never knew its hateful history.   As a veteran I am very glad that the statues of the confederate traitors have been removed from the campus walk to the Tower.    These verses are not definitive.  They are just ideas that came flooding into my head when I thought about updating the Eyes of Texas