Hugo  Chavez Idi Amin  Robert Mugabe Donald Trump


                The Egyptians were plagued by locusts.   Imagine everything green being eaten.   They could take a field of green wheat in the spring and in a couple of hours reduce it to bare stalks.   A withered and devastated land.  The big yellow locust has descended on America and he taints all that falls within his gaze.  We are plagued by the golden haired locust.

                America views itself as a blessed land.  Great swathes of fertility, hard working people, great education institutions and a temperate climate.  Sometimes locusts descend on lands rich in oil, fertile highlands, oceans rich in fish at the shore.   These locusts strip the land like the Egyptian plague.  They impoverish the people.  Fights erupt over the last loaf of bread.

                Within that land 10 percent of the people live like kings in gated communities protected by army patrols and security guards.  The rest of the people get their drinking water from the same ditch they use to dispose human waste.   The money they saved is devalued and is now useful only for toilet paper.  A wheel barrow full of 1000 King Trumpty notes can buy a loaf of bread.  Next day it will take two loaves.

                The 10 percent on top of the land fly to Europe for medical care and send their children to schools where the teachers actually show up to teach.   The 1000 King Trumpty Dumpty bank note the teachers  receive each month as pay doesn't go very far so they search for plastic bottles in the trash dumps to sell to Chinese plastic recyclers.  The Bank of National Integrity takes the money of the 10 percent and for 10 percent it is sent to England, Panama, America, Luxembourg to rest at night in a safe interest bearing dollar account. 

                King Trumpty Dumpty flies to Europe and a blimp of a golden haired baby floats in the summer breeze.  Before the United Nations the delegates do not turn off their microphones as they guffaw at his bombastic flatulent pomposity.  In the land the truth counters reach the core limits of the ability to county the distortions.   Sarah Mucklebumble gets so twisted in a skein of prevarications and lies that she chokes to death. 

                Life is good for King Trumpty Dumpty.   His guards zealously guard him in his Orange Palace.  They bow and tell him he is great.   They are well fed and housed.  Compared to the population they are well cared for.  Those who protest are first poked with a bayonet and then....worse...until they get back in the bread line.   The lights flicker out.

                Hugo  Chavez Idi Amin Amin Robert Mugabe Donald Trump has descended on America and is eating his way through our nation like that plague of ancient Egypt.   The corruption of Egypt is now in the White House where it is eating the carpets and woodwork.  His orange visage scowls and those who displease him.  Those who tell the truth are led out to the back and exit the wall around the Orange Palace.  Bang.

                                So America has joined long the list of nations with buffoons for leaders whose ego consumes their countries.   Hitler and Mussolini precede Trumpty Dumpty but those regimes ended in a World War.  So has America become like Venezuela, Uganda, Zimbabwe?  A prosperous land turned into devastation from what once "sea to shining sea".  It sure seems that way.
